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AMI dinner sees over £3,000 raised for Baton of Hope


Suicide is the biggest killer of men and women under 35 in the UK. Seventeen people will die by suicide today…and tomorrow…and the day after that. And every single one is potentially preventable.

#BatonOfHopeUK is designed to be the biggest suicide awareness and prevention initiative the UK has ever seen, opening up necessary conversations and prompting appropriate actions. The specially designed baton will tour UK towns and cities for two weeks in Summer 2023, raising the profile of this issue like never before. Together we can reduce the stigma, and get better at asking questions, listening, and directing people to the right help. Together we can save lives.

Thanks to generous donations made during the AMI Annual Dinner last month, the amount raised on the night was a fantastic £3,045.00 – with more being raised in the days since.

There is still time to donate to this essential cause – scan the QR code below or donate here.

To read more about the great work being done by this initiative, visit the Baton of Hope website.