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AMI Lobbying Win

AMI has seen recent success in lobbying the FCA to extend the data submission deadline for principal firms with ARs/IARs.

Another great example of AMI working on our members’ behalf to secure better outcomes.

As a direct result of AMI lobbying, the FCA announced last week (27 October 2022) that it would be extending the deadline for principal firms to submit data on their ARs/IARs.

Firms with active ARs/IARs will be sent, via e-mail, a Section 165 (S165) data request by the FCA between 8 and 10 December 2022. Firms will now have until 28 February 2023 to complete and submit the information to the FCA.

The S165 request will go to the Principal user on Connect. Firms should ensure this data is up to date.

Read AMI’s factsheet to find out more about the data request and the wider requirements that apply to principal firms with ARs/IARs.