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AMI unveils The Perception Gap, the fourth annual Protection Viewpoint

This morning (8th November) AMI, alongside sponsors L&G and Royal London, launched its fourth consecutive report on the UK protection market. Thank you to everyone that attended and supported the event.

Missed the event? Watch on demand now.

‘The Perception Gap’ highlights key findings from our consumer and adviser market research (3,000 consumers and 436 IFAs/mortgage advisers) with insight into what this means for the mortgage and protection sector and businesses and advisers operating within it.

Topics covered include:

  • Generational opinions and attitudes – new for 2023.
  • Consumer buying habits – exploring why consumers prefer different ways to buy.
  • Consumer Duty.
  • Building trust.

You can read the report here.

This year we’ve placed a greater focus on the qualitative part of our study. Look out for the links in the report allowing you to:

  • Watch a selection of videos featuring consumers – our qualitative study participants talk about the impact of the cost of living and their perceptions of advice.
  • Watch three industry case study videos – our qualitative study participants watched these and shared their views on the content and whether they had shifted their views on protection and advice. A summary of the findings, including recommendations for industry, can be found in the report.

In recognition that many mortgage intermediaries like to hear what others are doing in the sector to tackle challenges and embrace opportunities, we have released case studies showcasing firms’ approaches to themes covered in the Viewpoint research.

The links to these can be found throughout the report, or on our dedicated Protection Viewpoint page.

We want to hear your views. Send us an e-mail at info@a-m-i.org.uk or join in the discussion on LinkedIn using #AMIViewpoint.