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Welcome to the home of AMI Viewpoint. 

AMI Viewpoint is thought leadership style research focussing on key topics impacting the mortgage and protection industry. Each Viewpoint features a report and event sharing key findings from the research, as well as views from industry experts on the implications for the sector. Past Viewpoints have included Protection and Diversity, Inclusion and Equity. We plan to launch a Viewpoint on the value of advice in 2024.

AMI Protection Viewpoint 2024 is here…

AMI’s Protection Viewpoint 2024: Making Protection Personal has officially launched – if you missed the live launch event this morning, you can watch it on the Protection Viewpoint page. Thank you to everyone who gave up their time to get involved in completing the adviser survey.

You can find out more about AMI’s Protection Viewpoint, read previous reports, re-watch the live launch events and find firm case studies, Consumer community group (qualitative) videos and Industry case study videos, all in our Protection Viewpoint Archive.

AMI Protection Viewpoint 2023: The Perception Gap

AMI’s fourth Protection Viewpoint – The Perception Gap – is now live! Head to the Protection Viewpoint page for all the fantastic content that we have for you this year!

AMI Viewpoint - D&I

In 2021, as part of AMI’s Viewpoint on Diversity, Inclusion and Equity in the mortgage industry, a total of 1,178 people gave their valuable time to complete a survey providing us with a strong picture of how people within our industry are feeling on this important topic.

The report shares the results of the extensive survey, conducted in July, of people’s perceptions and lived experiences of diversity, inclusion and equity in the mortgage industry. It will give you an insight into how inclusive our sector is currently and highlights simple actions that we can all take to make a change individually, as well as more structural changes required at firm level.

We’d like to thank both Aldermore and Virgin Money for their support with this survey and report. Thanks also to those who gave up their time to complete the survey and share their experiences.

Read the Viewpoint report in full here.

Protection Viewpoint

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Read the 2023 Viewpoint report in full, watch the 2023 live launch event, discover firm case studies related to the action points and watch consumer study groups and industry case studies in our 2023 Viewpoint videos.

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AMI’s third annual Viewpoint Report on protection within the mortgage industry – The Great Protection Shift – concludes with a new five-point plan to work together as an industry towards change.

The report, produced in partnership with Legal & General and Royal London, asked 3,000 UK adults and over 250 advisers their views on issues relating to the protection market. New this year, AMI also carried out qualitative research involving a bespoke community of consumers to give extra depth to the findings.

The research looked at the barriers to protection, expectations among both consumers and advisers, the power of communication and the perceptions and misconceptions that exist. 

Watch the 2022 Protection Viewpoint launch here.

Read the 2022 Protection Viewpoint report in full here.
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As part of our series looking at how mortgage intermediary firms overcome some of the challenges highlighted in protection Viewpoint 2021, we hear from mortgage and protection advisers on how they build trust and ensure memorable protection conversations.

  • Our infographic explores some of the themes from the report.
  • In this short video Nina Brown from Pam Brown Mortgages shares her views on how she raises protection with mortgage clients for the first time.
  • In this short article, Michelle Brook from Brook Financial Services and Sarah Tucker from The Mortgage Mum share their views on how they approach protection within their firms.
  • In this article, Scott Taylor-Barr from Barnsdale Financial Management shares his ‘life lessons’ – the five key things he’s learned over the years from advising on protection.