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Association of Mortgage Intermediaries – Membership Application

(If you are an Appointed Representative of a member network, please do not complete the form below – instead, request access to our website.)

Please complete the form below in full to apply for membership of AMI.

Once we receive your application, we will respond within 48 hours to confirm fees and advise of the next steps.

    Your firm’s details

    Your firm’s members

    Your commitment to us

    I/We confirm that the information given here is true and accurate and I/we understand that the submission of misleading information may lead to the refusal of the application or subsequent cancellation of membership.

    I/We undertake to observe the provisions of the Memorandum and Articles of Association and such
    membership regulations of the Association of Mortgage Intermediaries Limited as may, from time to time, be
    laid down by the Board of the Association. I/We can request a copy at any time.

    I/We understand that AMI may wish to use any personal data contained in this form or subsequently obtained
    during the course of its activities and may disclose such data to approved third parties. By signing this
    application, I/we consent to such processing.

    I/We acknowledge that should I not wish data to be disclosed to third parties (save those with whom it is
    necessary for AMI to share such data) I may indicate this by ticking this box.

    Do not share my information with third parties

    Our annual fees

    1 – 5 Mortage Advisers

    £200 per firm and £30 per adviser

    6 – 100 Mortage Advisers

    £400 per firm and £25 per adviser

    100+ Mortage Advisers

    Please contact AMI’s Chief Executive Robert Sinclair robert@a-m-i.org.uk.

    *denotes required field

    Tick to confirm you have read, understood & acccept our Privacy Policy


    Association of Mortgage Intermediaries – Membership Application

    (If you are an Appointed Representative of a member network, request access to our website.)

    If you are viewing this page on a mobile device, we apologise that the online application form is not available. 

    If you are not able to access the form from an alternative device, please contact us using the subject line ‘Membership application’, and provide the following information (all fields are required – unfortunately we are not able to process your application without this information);

    • Full company name
    • Contact name
    • Job Title
    • CEO/Principal name (if not you)
    • Email address
    • Telephone number
    • Registered Address
    • FCA registration number
    • Number of registered mortgage advisers in the firm (please include all subsidiaries, branches, appointed representatives)

    Once we receive your application, we will respond within 48 hours to confirm fees and advise of the next steps.