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For too long we have been aware of the issues facing existing property owners where their property has “cladding”.  Mortgage brokers continually face the issue of working on behalf of consumers to find mortgages with the most appropriate lender.

Although not directly involved we have been regularly in discussions with our fellow trade bodies, UK Finance and The Building Societies Association who have been working with MHCLG, the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors and the Association of British Insurers to try to find a way through the issues.

Despite the new guidance from RICS and the launch of the Building Safety Fund and the Leaseholders Loan scheme, all mortgage brokers are aware that there remain many issues facing these property owners.  The recent guidance provided by RICS gives some clarity, but will still leave many in limbo as the government based financial support does not deal with all the issues found in many buildings.

Resolution here will only come from more political intervention by MHCLG, providing money and compelling builders and freeholders to act.  This can then be augmented by more RICS guidance and lender appetite.  It is other bodies that represent those interests.  I know that brokers will continue to try to find solutions for their customers.

Robert Sinclair
Chief Executive, AMI