AMI Consumer Duty Factsheets update

Regulated firms are required to bring any closed products and services they continue to offer into the scope of Consumer Duty by 31 July 2024…
Key Takeaways from the FCA’s latest Consumer Duty updates

On the 20th February 2024, Sheldon Mills delivered a keynote speech entitled ‘Consumer Duty: the art of the possible in a year’ at a KPMG event…
Consumer Duty: The next steps – what does 2024 have in store?

On 6th December 2023, the FCA hosted a webinar titled Consumer Duty: The next steps – we draw out the key points of relevance to mortgage intermediary firms…
Episode four of AMI’s Consumer Duty podcast is available now

In this episode of our Consumer Duty podcast series, we discuss implementation to date and how firms can prepare for 2024 deadlines…
Consumer Duty – an update

Key Consumer Duty developments and recent communications issued by both AMI and the FCA, with commentary on implications for mortgage intermediary firms…
AMI response to the FCA later life mortgage market review

The FCA recently published findings from its review into later life advertising and advice – a must read for all firms operating within the later life market…
AMI Consumer Duty podcast episode three transcription now available

AMI has released a transcript of its third Consumer Duty podcast episode, featuring special guest Robert Sinclair…
AMI updates Marketing and Lead Generation Consumer Duty Factsheet

AMI has updated its Marketing & Lead Generation Factsheet to reflect recent market developments and our responses to member queries and concerns…
Episode three of AMI’s Consumer Duty podcast is available now

In this episode we are joined by Robert Sinclair to discuss MI and Consumer Duty, with a focus on smaller firms…
Consumer Duty monthly blog – August 2023

In this month’s AMI Consumer Duty blog we talk about what comes next, and what firms need to consider, now that the July 31st deadline has passed…