AMI issues Appointed Representatives regime related guidance
If you are a principal with Appointed Representatives (ARs), or are considering future AR relationships, these new publications are likely to be of interest..
Protection – how can we shift the dial?
Last year, AMI Viewpoint featured a five point plan – a call to action to try and transform the protection sector and propel the industry forward…
Consumer leaflet – later life lending
Information on product and advice solutions currently offered by the Later Life Lending industry when considering borrowing into, or during, retirement…
Protection insurance – What should I know?
AMI, in association with the Protection Distributors Group and Protection Review, has produced a simple consumer-facing protection insurance leaflet…
Refreshed adviser guide to saving protection policies
To help in providing support and guidance in ensuring clients maintain cover, AMI, PDG & IPTF have refreshed the adviser guide to saving protection policies…