New Chief Executive of AMI announced today
The Association of Mortgage Intermediaries has today announced that Stephanie Charman has been appointed as the new Chief Executive of AMI…
AMI’s new Protection Viewpoint Report: Making Protection Personal
This year’s AMI Protection Viewpoint report calls for more personalised protection: Four-point action plan unveiled to help advisers engage better…
AMI responds to launch of the Lloyds broker fee policy
Responding to the Lloyds broker fee policy, AMI does not consider that it is the role of a lender to dictate the fee policy of FCA regulated intermediary firms…
AMI reveals The Perception Gap, its fourth annual Viewpoint report
It delves into current hot topics facing the industry, including value of advice, building trust, consumer buying habits and generational views & attitudes…
AMI Protection Viewpoint 2023 – The Perception Gap
Latest AMI Viewpoint – two in five advisers say their firm has seen an increase in protection conversations with customers as a result of Consumer Duty…
Calling all mortgage advisers – AMI Protection Viewpoint is back
Join speakers from AMI, L&G and Royal London at this year’s Protection Viewpoint virtual launch event on Thursday 8 November at 9am…
AMI Protection Viewpoint Five Point Plan – what happened next?
Last year, AMI Viewpoint featured a five point plan – a call to action to try and transform the protection sector and propel the industry forward…
A generally positive FCA fees consultation for mortgage intermediary firms
The FCA has issued its 2023/24 fees and levies consultation and AMI has seen lobbying success…
New mentoring scheme for mortgage industry coming soon
AMI is developing a scheme for 1-2-1 mentoring and reverse mentoring opportunities…