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Consumer Duty

The AMI team have worked extremely hard over the last year to help our members understand, and stay ahead of, the new Consumer Duty requirements. Most notable is our suite of Consumer Duty factsheets, breaking the rules down into easy-to-understand topics. You can find more information below. You can also find our original work on Consumer Duty in our archive.

Included in our factsheets section is our Information Sharing Guide – developed by the Association of Mortgage Intermediaries, UK Finance, Building Societies Association and the Intermediary Mortgage Lenders Association, to assist their members when considering information sharing requirements under the FCA’s Consumer Duty.

Our work on Consumer Duty is ongoing and we are regularly adding new content – so bookmark this page to stay updated, read the latest Consumer Duty news in our blog, and listen to our new Consumer Duty podcasts.

Consumer Duty Factsheets

The FCA is introducing new requirements aimed at raising standards across retail financial services – this is Consumer Duty. It is still seeing too many instances of poor consumer outcomes and by clarifying the expectations of firms more clearly through new rules and guidance, the FCA hopes to be able to hold poorly performing firms to account more easily. To help our member firms navigate through the Consumer Duty journey, AMI has produced a comprehensive set of factsheets covering each area.

Consumer Duty Blog

Dear CEO Letter

A must read for all mortgage intermediary firms

FCA Dear CEO letter on Consumer Duty

AMI comments on specific sections and highlights areas we have sought clarification on from the FCA (updated 31st March 2023)

Consumer Duty Podcasts

To complement our factsheets and ongoing work on Consumer Duty, we bring you a new series of podcasts dedicated to breaking down the requirements of Consumer Duty into understandable, bite-sized chunks.

Featuring AMI’s Senior Policy Advisers Stacy Penn and Chloe Timperley busting some common myths surrounding Consumer Duty.

If there are particular Consumer Duty related topics you would like us to cover in future podcast episodes, please send us your suggestions.