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Elections to the AMI Board

Board elections

As advised in last month’s Connect, under the standard 3-year rotation rule, one third of our Board members must be put up for re-election each year.  We encourage all our members to consider taking part.

This is a great opportunity for those interested in shaping the sector and regulation to give something back to the industry.  We are looking for leaders with passion to promote change.  The Board is the group that sets the policy agenda for AMI.  The Board meets on 10 occasions each year usually on the 3rd or 4th Thursday of each month excluding August and December.  Meetings commence at 1.30pm and last for two hours.  We expect Board members to attend a minimum of 8 meetings a year.  In addition, we may have other meetings with FCA, other trade bodies, or to support the executive, which Board members volunteer for.

Nominations close at midnight on Wednesday 1 March.  Anyone interested should contact Robert Sinclair by emailing Robert@a-m-i.org.uk to register their interest or ask for more information.

Elections this year are in the:

Network Constituency

Nominations are welcomed from senior leaders of the regulated element of the Network.

National Constituency (firms with more than 100 advisers)

Nominations are welcomed from the senior leaders of the firm.

Practitioner Constituency

The Practitioner constituency has three vacancies.  We are looking for individual advisers who are a paid up member or works for a paid up member, who spends a minimum of 70% of their working week advising consumers on mortgages and related needs. AMI would welcome enquiries from any practitioner who would like to take up one of these roles.

Please consider if you would like to work with the rest of the industry to make it the best place to work.

Robert Sinclair, AMI Chief Executive