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FCA Consumer Duty survey – a chance to provide your feedback


The FCA has launched a Consumer Duty firm survey, which is being sent to a sample of small and medium sized firms to understand the progress they are making in implementing the Consumer Duty.

The survey is voluntary, confidential and anonymous, and we encourage you to respond should your firm receive it as it is a great opportunity to share your experiences to date.

Good to know
  • The survey will be carried out by market research company Ipsos Mori on behalf of the FCA.
  • It is a random sample.
  • The FCA will ensure the survey isn’t sent to firms that were recently sent the small business practitioner panel survey.
  • It is not a supervisory tool – the FCA won’t be told what individuals say and won’t be contacting individual firms following responses.

Future feedback

We have asked the FCA whether it plans to share publicly high-level feedback from the surveys. We believe this would benefit firms and the wider industry, particularly if the FCA was able to comment on key themes and draw out good and poor practices. We will keep you updated on the response.

If you have any queries, please contact info@a-m-i.org.uk.