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FCA financial resilience survey

The FCA has confirmed it will repeat its financial resilience survey. If your firm receives it, completion is mandatory.

Firms will receive the survey by e-mail between 18 and 21 October 2022 (for some firms this will be between 11 and 14 October 2022, due to their primary portfolio allocation). Please check it has come from either FCA@fcanewsletters.org.uk or an @fca.org.uk email address.

The FCA is asking firms to complete the survey to help it understand how the current financial climate is impacting firms. AMI understands that completing the survey can be frustrating for firms but it is clear the FCA obtain value from the exercise.

With the cost of living challenges and the FCA wanting to become more data driven as part of its approach to supervision, AMI believes it’s likely these surveys will continue for the foreseeable future.