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FCA release dates for Consumer Duty webinars

FCA has released details of Consumer Duty webinars aimed at firms, focusing on:

     Expectations and key milestones during the implementation period;

     What is outcomes-based regulation?

     What the Consumer Duty means for each sector.

Each 90 minute webinar is sector specific and, whilst the sector categories are fairly broad, they will also cover some non-sector specific information. Registration is required for each webinar and firms can attend more than one.

The following are likely to be of interest to mortgage intermediary firms:

      Insurance on 18 October at 10:00 (click here to register).

      Retail lending on 1 November at 14:00 (click here to register).

If firms can’t make the live webinars and want to watch at a time that’s more convenient, please register to ensure you receive the on-demand link.

Click here to view details of the other webinars available (consumer investments, pensions and asset management and banking and payments).