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Help to Buy Closure – FAQs

The Help to Buy scheme officially closes to new applicants today (31st October) at 6pm. The government has issued guidance on the future milestones for buyers to be aware of as the scheme winds down, and what to do if the builder cannot complete the property in time to remain eligible for the scheme.

In brief, housebuilders need to have finished building all Help to Buy homes to a liveable standard known as ‘Practical Completion’ by the 31st December 2022, and the homes have to have received a new-home warranty by the same deadline. Then, buyers need to have legally completed their purchase and received the keys by 6pm on the 31st March 2023.

If housebuilders cannot meet these deadlines, buyers must be refunded their reservation fees in full, and if contracts have already been exchanged, buyers must be released from these contracts and have their deposits returned to them. Read more here.