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Insurer underwriting and service standards – have your say in this year’s Protection Viewpoint

AMI’s Protection Viewpoint is back, and we need your help for the adviser survey.

The survey has been extended to Friday 23rd August, so just a few days left to have your say on insurer underwriting and service standards, and help shape this year’s Protection Viewpoint report.

Please take the time to answer a few questions on your approach to recommending mortgages and protection. We are really interested this year on what is happening to service standards in insurers and with the underwriting and claims processes.

Why should advisers get involved?

  • It only takes five minutes to complete.
  • Responses are anonymous.
  • You don’t have to be an AMI member.
  • Your views will shape this year’s report.
  • The findings will help identify the opportunities, barriers and challenges from an intermediary perspective.

We will share this year’s consumer and adviser research findings alongside sponsors L&G and Royal London in a virtual launch event at 9am on Tuesday 5th November – more details will be available closer to the time but you can register your place now.