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We know you want to know AMI opinion so our press releases are posted here.

You can listen to our podcasts and follow and interact with us on social media. Our Chief Executive and Senior Policy Advisers often guest on industry videos and podcasts.

You can also find out about events we hold throughout the year.

We are happy to provide comment and support the press formulate their own views and understand market issues that impact upon mortgage intermediaries.

For press and PR quotes please contact our chief executive Robert Sinclair on 07957 470034 or email Robert@a-m-i.org.uk.

We are also available for interviews – we try and do as many as we can, but the daily schedules of senior staff mean that we cannot accept all.  We will try to supply someone wherever possible.  The more notice you can give us makes granting your request more likely.

Call Robert as above or email us with the subject you want to cover, who you would like to interview (if known) and when and where the interview will appear. Please give us as much information as possible about the content of the interview and any context or surrounding material.


AMI’s Chief Executive Robert Sinclair, and Senior Policy advisers, often appear as guests on industry podcasts, videos and webinars – you can find these on our dedicated Podcasts page. We also have our own podcast series, which you can find below.

Protection Insight

Discover AMI’s Protection Insight podcast series.

Throughout the series, AMI Senior policy adviser Stacy Penn discusses all things protection with mortgage advice firms.

The series covers a wide range of mortgage protection related topics, with each episode featuring a special guest.

Consumer Duty

To complement our factsheets and ongoing work on Consumer Duty, we bring you a new series of podcasts dedicated to breaking down the requirements of Consumer Duty into understandable, bite-sized chunks.

Featuring AMI’s Senior Policy Advisers Stacy Penn and Chloe Timperley busting some common myths surrounding Consumer Duty.

Press articles


Our events page has details of upcoming industry events along with AMI hosted events throughout the year. Current events available include this year’s Mortgage Vision and AMI’s Protection Viewpoint 2023 launch. You can also register for the events.

Press Releases