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Learn more about the benefits of becoming a member or apply online and we will be in touch.


For around one fifth of the price of the average daily cup of coffee*, you could become an AMI member firm. Read on below to discover the benefits of membership and listen to the podcast on why trade bodies matter. We have made great strides in improving the industry for our brokers over the last decade – find out more about what we have achieved on behalf of our members.

*Average price of a takeaway coffee £3.11 in August 2023 according to the Office of National Statistics – daily cost of AMI membership for a sole trader is just £0.63.

The Association of Mortgage Intermediaries provides a voice for mortgage and protection intermediaries in the UK. Over 80% of UK mortgage brokers belong to AMI. Membership covers all types of firms from the largest networks through to sole practitioners. We have relationships with broker firms across the country.

It is our mission to deliver a better business environment to our members and we work with consumer groups, the media, providers and other industry bodies to deliver this objective. In addition, members look to us to help them thrive in a competitive market by offering regulatory support and representation, research, business support, good practice guides, member events, and early warning on key business and regulatory proposals.

Annual paid membership of AMI includes:

  • AMI represent and lobbies for members interests with policy makers, politicians and regulators here and across Europe.
  • We have a dedicated team of specialists who monitor, analyse and interpret the regulatory and policy environment effecting our members and wider stakeholders.
  • AMI provides regular updates on legal and regulatory issues impacting the mortgage market via our Newsflashes and our monthly Connect newsletter
  • Access to the members-only area of our website, where you can view our research results and view and download industry thinking and insights
  • Access to a copy of the AMI membership logo to put on your website, emails and letter to help promote your business
  • Opportunity to attend AMI annual dinner at discounted member rates, key influencers dinners and other relevant events providing networking opportunities
  • Access to our technical support helpline giving specialist advice on compliance, regulation and other relevant matters.
  • Full voting rights with the Association and the right to stand for election to the AMI board
Please note that these benefits apply to principal firms only. If you are a member of a network looking for access to the AMI website content, please complete the short form here. If you require technical help, please contact your network for further advice.


AMI membership is great value and takes account of the size of the firm to ensure membership is affordable to all mortgage brokers.

The current annual charging structure is:

1–5 Mortgage advisers – £200 per firm plus £30 per adviser
6-100 Mortgage advisers – £400 per firm plus £25 per adviser
100 + Mortgage advisers – Contact Robert Sinclair AMI’s Chief Executive  Robert@a-m-i.org.uk

How to apply

Principal firms

We welcome applications from all mortgage intermediaries who are not employed by a mortgage lender to advise exclusively on the products of that lender and to all mortgage advisory firms of whatever status. Click below to apply online, we will respond within 48 hours. If you have any questions, please contact us at info@a-m-i.org.uk

Appointed Representatives of a network

If you are an appointed representative of a network who is a member of AMI, and you would like access to the member-only content of the AMI website, please click below to contact us. We will check your details and, if eligible, you will then receive access via a welcome email within 48 hours.