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Mortgage Climate Action Group – call out for volunteers


Are you a mortgage professional with a keen interest in sustainability and the green agenda? Are you curious to learn more about the net zero transition and the opportunities and risks it will bring to our sector? Do you want to be part of a new industry trade body-led initiative to advance the green agenda in the mortgage industry?

If the answer is yes to the above, the Mortgage Climate Action Group is looking for volunteers from within the sector* to join working groups in four core areas:

  1. Adviser awareness – raising the profile of the green agenda for mortgage professionals and business owners via a range of channels, including contributions to the Green Mortgage Advice website and promotion of the Green Finance Institute’s Green Broker Handbook.
  2. Outreach and engagement – forging connections with firms and organisations within our sector and externally to promote joined-up conversations about green mortgage advice and home energy efficiency across the value chain.
  3. Setting standards – building an understanding of what ESG best practices might look like in the advice process, the regulatory direction of travel and compliance implications for firms, and how to tackle issues around greenwashing, trust and quality control.
  4. Knowledge building – organising events and training for advisers on important issues, and helping to build a knowledge bank on green technologies, products and processes for the benefit of the mortgage broker community.

*Currently this call-out is limited to those working in or alongside the mortgage industry, i.e. in connection with a regulated firm. However, those who do not fit this description may still be able to contribute in other ways – please get in touch via chloe@a-m-i.org.uk to find out more.

Who are we?

The Mortgage Climate Action Group (MCAG) started life as an alliance of mortgage firms working together to rise to the challenges posed by the green agenda. It began working with the Association of Mortgage Intermediaries (AMI) soon after its inception, and it quickly became apparent that the interests of AMI and MCAG were closely aligned. This led to the decision to make MCAG the official Steering Group for the development and delivery of AMI’s green initiative, with the aim of providing resources, training and representation for the mortgage intermediary sector as we navigate the net zero transition.

How do I get involved?

At this stage we are seeking expressions of interest from mortgage professionals in both the lender and broker communities to allow us to develop the next phase of our work. If you are interested in joining or would like to hear more, please complete the form below:

What are the next steps?

Once we have an idea of numbers, we will be hosting an introductory webinar for potential volunteers to:

  • find out more about MCAG,
  • hear our manifesto, priorities and goals
  • learn how you can contribute and be a force for positive change in the mortgage industry.

Details soon to follow.

Thanks for reading – I hope you will consider getting involved. Also, feel free to share this message with colleagues who may be interested. If you have any further questions, please email chloe@a-m-i.org.uk