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Register now for the Protection Viewpoint 2022 virtual launch event

What are consumers and advisers telling us?

Protection Viewpoint is back for another year! Register via this link to watch the virtual launch of the 2022 report ‘The Great Protection Shift’ on Thursday 3 November 2022 (9am for 9.15am start).

During the 30 minute event, AMI and sponsors L&G and Royal London will take a look at the key findings from our consumer and adviser market research and share views on what this means for the industry.

We’ve done things a bit differently this year. Alongside our usual consumer and adviser survey we carried out qualitative research involving a bespoke community of consumers, spanning a range of demographics and protection needs. We’ll share some of their thoughts and feelings during the event.

To encourage debate on the day, we will use the hashtag #AMIViewpoint on Twitter. Please join in and share your views.

If there are any queries, please contact info@a-m-i.org.uk