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Protection Insight podcasts

Welcome to the home of our specialist protection podcasts series for all things protection & GI – The Protection Insight podcasts.

Episode Nine

In the latest episode, Stacy Penn, Senior Policy Adviser at AMI, chats to Dan Maskell, Director at The Finance Planning Group. They discuss:
  • Dan’s accident whilst on holiday and how this impacted him physically and mentally.
  • How the experience underlined the important role of insurance.
  • How to create memorable and value focused protection conversations with customers.
  • The power of personal stories when discussing protection.
  • How the experience made Dan re-assess his protection cover and the importance of regular reviews.
  • Why signposting doesn’t have to be all or nothing.

Previous episodes

Stacy Penn, Senior Policy Adviser at AMI, talks to Jeff Woods, Head of Intermediary Development at L&G, and Tony Ormond, National Partnership Manager at Royal London, about:

  • How we can tackle consumer mistrust of claims stats.
  • How the AMI Viewpoint findings are being used to support mortgage advice firms.
  • The impact of the rising cost of living on protection business.

Read the 2022 Viewpoint report 'The Great Protection Shift'.

Stacy Penn, Senior Policy Adviser at AMI chats to Vikki Jefferies from Primis and Scott Taylor-Barr from Carl Summers Financial Services to discuss their key takeaways from this year's AMI Viewpoint and to hear their thoughts on how firms can try to tackle some of the barriers highlighted.

Read this year's report 'The Great Protection Shift'.

Stacy Penn, Senior Policy Adviser at AMI, and Angela Davidson, Head of Protection at Mortgage Intelligence, talk about IP and share views on how mortgage advice firms can overcome some of the barriers.

Stacy Reeve, Senior Policy Adviser at AMI is joined by Andy Walton, Protection Proposition Director at Mortgage Advice Bureau and Emma Thomson Head of Protection and GI Propositions at Sesame Bankhall Group to delve into the findings from AMI's recent protection Viewpoint.

Part One

Part Two

Stacy Reeve, Senior Policy Adviser at AMI, and Sarah Tucker MD and founder of The Mortgage Mum discuss the role social media can play in helping to educate consumers on protection.

Stacy Reeve, Senior Policy Adviser at AMI speaks to Scott Taylor-Barr, Financial Adviser at Carl Summers Financial Services and AMI Board member, to discuss all things GI.

Stacy Reeve, Senior Policy Adviser at AMI, and Roy McLoughlin on behalf of the Protection Distributors Group, discuss the important role that signposting can play when mortgage brokers discuss protection with their clients.

Stacy Reeve, Senior Policy Adviser at AMI, and Michelle Brook, founder and MD of Brook Financial Services, discuss what makes a memorable protection conversation and the importance of building customer relationships.