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In financial services, change is constant. There is always a need to keep up to speed with regulation and this is one of AMI’s priorities to our members. AMI both instigates change and responds to it. Keep pace here with our range of resources.

Our resources include our responses to regulatory plans and proposals and useful publications and downloads (including AMI & AFB logos and certificates) to help keep your business current and compliant and stay up to date with industry developments.

Can’t find what you’re looking for? We have lots of articles and publications in our archives which may be able to help - contact us if there is something specific you are looking for.

Our response

We work hard to input into policy and influence its direction. Our goal is an environment with light touch regulation that enables mortgage intermediaries to prosper and deliver quality advice.

One voice puts forward the strength of your argument effectively and concisely. We are well versed in the skills of negotiation and formal policy making, and understand its intricacies and demands.

Our membership numbers give our voice weight and strength, but our effectiveness comes from our clarity and determination of purpose.

Publications & downloads

We publish a range of factsheets, information leaflets and reports to keep you up to date with the latest developments in the mortgage industry. Our publications are available to browse online and to download and print as pdf files.

Also available in our Downloads section are AMI & AFB logos and membership certificates for our members to use.

Our industry websites

Working in Mortgages

AMI is proud to announce the launch of WorkinginMortgages.org.uk, a not-for-profit website focussed on developing Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) in the mortgage industry, offering a host of resources on career development, codes of conduct, leadership and more. It is brought to you by AMI in collaboration with the Intermediary Mortgage Lenders Association (IMLA), and co-developed by volunteers working throughout the industry to help deliver a more inclusive environment.

Green Mortgage Advice

We have created this website to serve as a knowledge base for the mortgage broker community on green home finance and the net zero agenda. It seeks to help brokers and other mortgage professionals understand the opportunities and challenges our industry faces as we navigate the green transition. It is primarily aimed at mortgage intermediaries and those working in the sector – but is open to anyone with a professional interest in green home finance.