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Update from the National Custom and Self Build Association (NaSBA)

Brokers should be aware of the following update from the NaSBA:

“Yesterday on Right to Build Day we published a letter calling out unfair practices by a minority of local authorities placing unreasonable financial tests on anyone wanting to sign their local Right to Build register for would be self build and custom builders.

We are hugely proud that the mortgage sector, made up of the The Association of Mortgage Intermediaries, the Building Societies Association and UK Finance has supported our action – which signals out these tests as unnecessary and bureaucratic.

In particular, we make it clear that it is not appropriate for a local authority to require would be self builders to a) have a mortgage offer before signing the register, b) have a mortgage agreement in principle, and c) nor is it necessary that they should have written evidence from a financial advisor. These are costly and pointless obstacles to signing.

Read more about the letter and why it’s necessary here .

Right to Build Day marks the close of another 12 months of the registers (on 30 October), from which point local authorities have three years to show they have granted sufficient planning permissions for plots for those on the register.

Anyone interested in self building can find their register on the www.selfbuildportal.org.uk.